Infezioni sessualmente transmissibili – Cosa fare incaso di IST sei un'accompagnatrice Published on 13/07/2022 by Carlos

Infezioni sesualmente trasmissibili – Things to do with an IST if you are an escort

Molte delle infezioni a transmissione sessuale no causano sintomi evidenti; and eat VIP escortIt is very likely that your sia posted to an IST. Because of this, I will be more careful with hygiene and cleaning, which is extremely necessary to have in consideration.

Certainly, a possible STI can not be completely excluded, but in the case in which you accede to you; We invite you to discover how to manage this situation.

Hire an STI come scorta

Innanzitutto bisogna capire thing is sexually transmitted infections and the parrot importance; perché, transiting in the world Short of the Federal Capital, means essere più inclini alle malattie sessually transmissibili. This malattie does not contact physical contact during i rapporti sesuali; I understand all and tipi of penetration (anale, vaginal or oral).

Taking into account how much sopra, it is opportune to know that these types of infections are caused by batteries and viruses; Hey, a diagnostic volta, can be easily cured.

Photo 1 Infezioni sessualmente transmissibili – Cosa fare incaso di IST sei un'accompagnatrice

Tipi di infezioni a transmissione sessuale

As an escort, it is extremely important that your sappia thing is sexually transmitted infections; In this way, you can be attentive to any symptoms that you can verify in your body. In this way, if I suspected of contracting an IST, I will quickly consult your doctor to follow the corresponding tests and start with the necessary treatments to combat it.

If they are four groups that cause an STI, they are:


Possono essere combatuti con fungicides e tendono ad essere più diffusi nelle donne con candidosi; infection that causes itching and irritation of the vagina and vulva, bruised sensation and irritation.


I am treated with antibiotics and are easy to combat syphilid, gonorrhea, chlamydia, LGV, mycoplasma. I only have symptoms associated with a skin rash, fever or general malaise.

of parasitic origin

After the area, it can be treated with the application of a specific lotion that eliminates the parasite; eat in the case of the farmer. Trichomonas is treated with antibiotics and part of its symptoms are cattivo odor, vaginal discharge, redness and vaginal bruising.


His treatment on many occasions cannot be completely eliminated from the body; quindi non hanno cura. These are epatitis, HIV, herpes simplex or papillomavirus. Nei suoi sintomi, possiamo otenere che producono insoliti sanguinamenti vaginali, piaghe o adore e bruciore durante la minzione.

How will I avoid sexually transmitted infections?

Avere limiti e abitudini igieniche ridurrà semper le possibilità di trasmettere esta infezioni; gives when I'm here Escort North Zone che fanno pompini senza preservativo e si espongono più di una prostituta attentivea.

In breve, fare sesso sicuro does not mean diventare maniacali, dopotutto ogni adulto è in grado di scegliere il livello di rischio rispetto alla ricompensa che meglio si adatta a ciascuno. Inoltre, fai attention, constantly consult a doctor and consult the information on your Google; ti aiuterà a capire meglio le IST.

Photo 2 Infezioni sessualmente transmissibili – Cosa fare incaso di IST sei un'accompagnatrice

non vergognart

If by case or luck, contract an IST, do not do so vergognarvi; It's a risk that if the schedule runs, eat shorta di cavalli. This is a normal problem, which can cause chiunque; even those who are not accompanying. Over time, I will tell you that this is not a taboo argument and that you can treat it like any other medical problem. 

In the case in which you had an STI, you should only obtain the right treatment to attack the infection and have consapevole dei symptoms. Also, this is a difficult argument that I will talk about for many Accompagnatrici di Belgrano, there is nothing for which I should feel in the cold, remember that there is no "completely safe" brain, only a "più safe" brain.


Non tutte le infezioni a transmissione sessuale diventano un malattia; infatti, he took revenge curati quickly, in a short time scompaiono. In this way, close to adopting the necessary measures to avoid all the possibilities of contagion; Cioè, keep constant hygiene of your body, constantly change the bed linen, choose hygiene for your clients and always use preservatives.

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