Shibari – The technique to legare and give piacere to my own clients Published on 08/09/2023 by Carlos

Shibari – The technique to legare and give piacere to my own clients

Shibari has become popular in the BDSM community in recent years, poiché è seen as a form of art and erotic expression, which provides for the creation of beautiful and decorative forms with corde attached to the body during sexual rapport.

You will know how to use this interesting practice with one of the best Argentinian accompaniment? Resta e scopril qui sotto.

What is Shibari?

It is known as a bondage technique that uses cotton cord or canopy on the body of a person to create models and designs that can be aesthetically beautiful and sessually stimulating.

I nodi o legature vengono posizionati delicately and strategically sull'anatomia dell'other persona fine all'immobilizzazione, per stimolare e augmente il piacere sessuale; creating all this time a sensation of control and control.

Photo 1 Shibari – The technique to legare and give piacere to my own clients

Origin of Shibari

Shibari focuses on its radii in the Japanese culture and is known as "Kinbaku" which means "legame stretto".

Originally, it was used as a form of torture and punishment for prisoners to prevent their escape. Tuttavia, in time, does evolve in an artistic and sessual practice.

In general, it is considered a po' sessista, poiché solitamente è l'uomo ad avere le redini della situazione, mentre la donna has to assumere il ruolo di sottomissione a 100%, ma in molti almost questo può change a seconda delle preferenze e delle situazioni . 

For this reason, negli ultimi anni è diventato popular in the West not only for its visual aesthetics, but also for its capacity to massimizzare l'esplorazione sessuale through its suoi praticanti.

What is useful for practicing shibari?

How to go to the hardware business first and find it Short of the Federal Capital! To practice Shibari there is knowledge of specialized equipment and one of these that have good quality.

In this case, the cotton cord, cocco, riso or canapa are only very consigliate, because they are morbide and resistant. Inoltre, it is ideal to use a materassino or a tappetino for greater comfort and safety.

Inoltre, it is important to know the basics of your anatomy, your reading techniques and to know some of the safety tips for following the instructions. Therefore, if you know, I will follow the instructions with expert professionals or access the tutorial to learn in more detailed ways.

All this way, it is fundamental that we assume the status of the submissions of good health and physical condition, and are also willing to communicate at any time and at their own limits.

Learn to practice shibari in safety

Create Shibari with qualsiasi Puttana VIP to Buenos AiresSenza dubbio is an extremely peaceful experience. Therefore, it is important to keep it safe to avoid misfortunes or incidents. Please find the following note to practice Shibari without risk:


Communication is fundamental in every session and Shibari is not eccezione. Talk chiaramente with il tuo shorta di cavalli sui loro confini, aspettative e qualsiasi preoccupazione che possano avere.


I will avoid l'uso con il tuo Compagno Belgrano Corde danneggiate o sfilacciate e assicurarsi avere un paio de forbici a portata de mano en forma de poter tagliare el corde en cas de emergency.


Check that the cord is not running and that it is not breathing or circulating. Use cuscini or cuscini to hold the body of your friend and avoid punctures of pressure.


Try to practice the first basic technique to test very complicated models. Impara i nodi ei collegamenti di base e come legarli in modo sicuro.

Bonus: ensure that he is dominant and that he is submissive so that he is awake and alert during the practice.

Photo 2 Shibari – The technique to legare and give piacere to my own clients


Ricorda, Shibari is an erotic practice that riches peace, trust and communication between you and your partner. Short North Zone.

Fai attenzione e divertiti sfruttando il tuo lato più audace e sexy, nodo dopo nodo!

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