Accompaniment of travel – Suggestions for doing it successfully Published on 06/09/2023 by Carlos

Accompaniment of travel – Suggestions for doing it successfully

Con l'arrivo della bella stagione la voglia di viaggiare si impossesserà sicuramente di voi! Come with the travel companions who travel around the world, visit spettacolari cities, lose their exclusive business, stay in a lusso hotel, assaggiare piatti fuori dal mondo and godere spettacolari panoramic che faranno delirare i tuoi sensi.

If you are thinking about traveling as an escort, we prepared a guided piccola with my best consigli to distinguish you as the best of the VIP escort to Buenos Aires.

How to prepare for traveling travel companions?

Official travel documents

I know you short to BelgranoPlease note that the destination is outside the country. Se è così, avrai bisogno del la documentationazione ufficiale per travele, como un passporto o altri documentsi a seconda del paese en cui ti recherai. Assicurati di averli a portata di mano e che non abbiano una data de scadenza vicina. 

If there is no passport, I must adopt the measures necessary to obtain one as soon as possible.

Photo 1 Travel companion – Suggestions to make it a success

Ricerca the destination verse cui viaggerai 

We assume that your potential client needs to return to Dubai and assume that you are traveling companions for the fine weekend, without you knowing what to do in your city and the thing that can be offered in terms of shopping, visiting tourists and others? 

Bene, dovresti fare della ricerca la tua massima priority! Mettiti al lavoro e chiedi al tuo cliente o ai tuoi amici che sono stati lì prima. If you prefer to consult your text, you can visit the official tourism site in each city and find out everything you need to know.

On the other hand, like Accompagnatrice della Recoleta, we suggest you plan one or two interesting activities to work with your client when there is everything for you. This will make you feel special and you will assume it again.

Keep in mind the time

Did you wear these clothes for your day? Beh, it depends on the destination!

During your stay, remember to control the weather conditions, in this way you can avoid uncomfortable situations.

Imagine wearing only one cut of simple clothes, a shirt, pants, a cloth of sandals, a pair of soles and a cap, so that you can wear them in your child's day and clothes during your summer. A total failure!

Chiedi al tuo cliente se tracorreranno insieme solo le notti o anche i giorni. In such a case, dovrai procurarti vari abiti di stili diversi. 

The most important thing is that it is good Compagno della capitale federale, non indossare mai gli stessi vestiti se partecipi a diversi events. If so, it would be a brutta impressione if your client is your commercial partner or friend of his.

Transport and accommodation

Another aspect of the diventare travel companion is that, in almost every case, the client wants your page to be the big plane and also the system in the hotel. If it is done, you can rifiutare or simply stabilize it until it starts until it is completed and your service comes. puttana della Zona Nord It is necessary to occupy the entrance fee in advance.

Tuttavia, first that if you verify one of the scenes, keep in mind that you will have your real information this summer; Come your name and identification number. Se ti felt a tuo agio, allora vai avanti.

Photo 2 Travel companion – Suggestions to make it a success


La chiave per diventare un accompagnatore di viaggio, essere a Argentine VIP escort Ad alto livello, he is planning. Please do not spare any effort in the rice and in the preparation for any eventuality. 

This will make you stand out from here and will also increase your profile from the front to new possibilities. Don't miss out on the case!

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