Vaginal secchezza - Perché access e como accompagnatrice Published on 07/03/2023 by Carlos

Vaginal secchezza - Perché access e como accompagnatrice

If you arrive at the hotel with your client. We have overcome the phase of baciarsi, toccarsi, stringersi, stuzzicarsi, but when someone arrives to penetrate you, we notice that there is vaginal secchezzae... Do you seem familiar to this scene?

Tutto accompagnatori da Caballito Possono affrontlo at least once, since the difference in this and negli incontri successivi sono le misure che prendi.

If you know if you check the vaginal secchezza e quali misure you can try to avoid it, rest with noi fine alla fine.

What is vaginal secchezza e perché if it manifests?

Vaginal dryness is a common problem after escort argentina This is what it is and may be caused by various reasons. Innanzitutto ci sono and hormonal changes, such as those produced during menopause, which may cause a decrease in estrogen production; with consequent loss of natural lubrication in the vagina.

Photo 1 Vaginal secchezzae – Perché access and how to avoid it as accompagnatrice

Inoltre, alcuni pharmaci como gli antistaminici e gli antidepressivi may have the collateral effect of vaginal dryness. This problem may also be caused by some medical conditions, such as Sjogren's syndrome, diabetes and vaginal infections.

Sebbene sia più comune nelle donne anziane, può versisi anche nelle donne. Cut of the federal capital minore; soprattutto during l'allattamento or l'assunzione di alcuni contraccettivi.

Vaginal dryness may be quite annoying and may cause pain and irritation in the vaginal area during sexual intercourse. In addition, it will increase the risk of vaginal and urinary infections. If we discovered the symptoms that we were speaking above, the most prudent thing to do is to refer to your gynecologist.

Tips to avoid vaginal dryness

  1. Drink some water: The idratazione is essential for the organism, soprattutto to maintain idratate the mucose, which reduces vaginal dryness Accompagnatrici di Belgrano.
  2. I will avoid vaginal washing: These may alter the natural balance of the vaginal flora and compromise the secchezza.
  3. Use lubricants: This can help combat vaginal dryness, render and respond to sessions with comfort and painlessness.
  4. Use water-based condoms: These preservatives can help prevent damage and maintain the natural lubrication of the vagina.
  5. I will modify the diet: A balanced diet that includes rich foods of vitamin D and acidic grasses can help maintain good vaginal health.
  6. Kegel exercises: Gliercizi di Kegel are contrazioni that if used daily with the vagina for some seconds to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor and increase the blood flow in the vaginal area, contrasting the vaginal dryness.
  7. I will avoid alcohol and tobacco consumption: You can also rid the blood flow and natural lubrication.
  8. Indossare biancheria intimate di cotton: What argentinian short Dovresti pay attention to non-indossare biancheria intima sintetica; It is intended to prevent blood circulation, increase humidity and impair vaginal dryness. The intimate cotton bed is an option for breathable and comfortable clothing.
  9. Reduce stress: Stress will affect normal blood flow and increase vaginal dryness. For this reason it is important to find ways to relieve stress, such as practicing yoga or meditation.
  10. I will increase physical activity: Regular physical exercise is not only helpful in maintaining a beautiful figure, but also in improving blood circulation and reducing stress, as well as improving natural lubrication.
Photo 2 Vaginal secchezzae – Perché access and how to avoid it as accompagnatrice


Come as soon as possible, the vaginal secchezza is qualcosa che può capitare a qualsiasi donna, it is enough just to turn it on in consideration of what is consigli and applied. If you are dealing with something that is frequent or painful, it is best to refer to a specialist to identify other reasons.

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