Vaginismus – Learn about this condition of some escorts Posted on 25/03/2022 By God

Vaginismus – Learn about this condition of some escorts

El vaginismus is the medical term used to describe the involuntary contraction of the pelvic floor muscles, in the lower third of the vagina; which makes penetration impossible during sex or makes it very complicated and painful.

This sexual dysfunction affects a small group of VIP escorts, which are limited to offering you services that do not involve vaginal penetration; in addition to increasing the risk of sterility.

What is vaginismus?

Vaginismus is called the total or partial closure of the vagina involuntarily, which makes penetration impossible; and if it were possible, it would be extremely painful for the woman, giving rise to dyspareunia (pain during sex).

Photo 1 Vaginismus – Learn about this condition of some escorts

vaginismus symptoms

The main symptom of this condition is the inability to have sexual intercourse or vaginal penetration without causing pain, but a escort from Buenos Aires you may also feel other discomforts; for example:

  • Pain during intercourse with burning, stinging, stinging, etc.
  • Sensation that the man is "hitting a wall" during intercourse.
  • Difficulty inserting a menstrual cup or tampon.
  • Pain and discomfort when doing a Pap smear or pelvic exam.
  • Muscle spasms in other areas of the body, such as the lower back or legs.
  • Side reactions during attempted sex, such as hyperventilation, palpitations, or tremors.
  • Reduced libido.
  • Continuous sexual pain.

Causes of vaginismus

This disorder can be caused by physical or emotional stress factors, or both; in addition, it can become anticipatory, since it happens when the person expects it to happen. Implicit causes may include one or more of the following factors:

  • Fear of feeling pain.
  • Anxiety, related to performance or guilt.
  • Lack of communication.
  • Traumatic events, including rape or a history of abuse.
  • Urinary infections.
  • Other medical conditions, such as cancer or lichen sclerosus.
  • Birth.
  • Menopause.
  • Pelvic surgery.
  • Inadequate stimulation.
  • Insufficient vaginal lubrication.

treatment for vaginismus

The treatment of this condition depends on the underlying cause, that is, it results in a combination of physical and psychological therapy, counseling, and exercises that promote relaxation of the pelvic floor muscles.

vaginal dilators

Vaginal dilators are a set of cylindrical cones of different sizes, which are designed so that the vagina of a North Zone escort gradually get used to having something inside; it can last for days or months, and you have to go at your own pace.

Kegel exercises

These exercises allow you to strengthen and control each of the pelvic floor muscles; in order to be able to choose voluntarily, relax while having sex.

Sex Therapy

One of the best options to combat this ailment is psychological therapy; especially if the underlying cause is sexual trauma. Likewise, dynamic analyses, counseling and cognitive-behavioral sessions can be used.


In case you escort from Capital Federal you may have witnessed previous surgical trauma, or a blockage causing your vagina to be narrower; surgery may be necessary. During the process, you will be given anesthesia and a considerable amount of tissue will be removed.

Photo 2 Vaginismus – Learn about this condition of some escorts

Why can this condition affect the work of an escort?

An escort who suffers from this disorder may have difficulty inserting a sponge, tampon or any other device designed for the vagina; likewise, problems having sexual intercourse, even feeling a sharp and/or burning pain.


Knowing and identifying the causes of vaginismus can be of great help when recommending a definitive treatment for a Belgrano escort; not only to gain their trust, but also to occupy the position of favorite client that few enjoy. 

If you want to continue learning more about everything related to Caballito escorts, you can continue reading on this blog: Alexis Texas y work with period.

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